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Quick Useful Pesach Links | כל מה שצריך לפסח -   please note that some of these links are from last year, and will soon be updated iyh Mechiras Chometz…
Can I keep the Chometz in my freezer if I seal it in garbage bags over Pesach and its kept in a separate section than the Pesach food? -   If you are using the freezer on Pesach then you should not store Chometz, even if it’s labeled. Give…
May a coat be worn for a few hours (Shidduch) before being checked for Shatnez? -   Coat is Anne Klein, women's, 70% wool, 20% nylon, 10% cashmere.   Answer: Shaatnez is an issue even for…
טבילת כלים בקוביות שיניים -   שאלה: שמעתי שאלה למה קוביות שעושים לשיניים אינם טעונים טבילה, הרי הם עשויים ממתכת, ונוגעים באוכל, ומשמשים בעת האכילה.…
Are almonds allowed to be eaten on Erev Pesach? -   Question: I know that our minhag is not to eat whatever is part of the maror and charoses on…
Can I use Hydroponic lettuce for the Seder? -   Question: I have lettuce that I grew using hydroponics (not in the earth/dirt) can o use it for my…
Mistaken cooking Bein Bashmashos -   Question: What is the din in a case where there was a pot full of soup under which the…
May I take milk out of the freezer on Shabbat so that it can defrost over time? -   Only if you will use it on Shabbos.   May I put a bottle of milk in the freezer…

האם רוק נחשב כטיבולו במשקין

-   שאלה: אם נוגס בגזר ונשאר רוק על על החתיכה והוא טופח ע"מ להטפיח האם חייב בנט"י מענה: לא.  …
Music from a not-yet-observant Yid -   Question: Recently a song by has become popular worldwide amongst many Yidden. The singer isn't a Torah observant Jew…
If I am saying Lechaim on mashke during a meal for the purpose of saying Lechaim do I make a Bracha? -   The custom is not to make a bracha.   Sources: ע״פ אדה״ז בסדר ברה״נ ד, י שבמדינות אלו שרגילין…
What is the Geder of Mashke and coffee in regards to a ברכה בתוך הסעודה? -   In our society, where it’s common to drink mashke regulaly, you don’t say a bracha on mashke besoich haseuda.…

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